The third installment of the ‘Deadpool’ franchise, ‘Deadpool & Wolverine,’ has unveiled its first trailer, igniting discussions among fans eager to dissect every detail. A noticeable difference from the previous teaser is the extended footage of Hugh Jackman’s Logan/Wolverine, who was largely overshadowed by Ryan Reynolds’ Deadpool in the earlier release. However, the new trailer has sparked controversy focused on Wolverine’s superhero costume.
Since his initial appearance in 2000’s ‘X-Men,’ Jackman’s Wolverine has deviated from his comic book counterpart by opting for practical clothing like leather jackets or black suits rather than the iconic yellow and blue suit. In ‘Deadpool & Wolverine,’ Wolverine finally dons the yellow and blue suit, albeit without the sleeves.
This sleeveless design has divided fans. Some argue that it compromises Wolverine’s classic look, particularly the absence of his shoulder guards. One fan expressed this sentiment on Twitter: “Someone please tell me why they took off the shoulder guards when the sleeves are off. Ruins the whole Wolverine look.”
Others, however, are less concerned about the costume’s accuracy. A fan commented: “I don’t know, man. I think Wolverine looks cooler sleeveless with the big ol’ shoulder pads still, but that’s just me.”
Despite the differing opinions, fans can agree that ‘Deadpool & Wolverine’ marks the first time Jackman’s Wolverine has worn a costume faithful to the character’s comic book origins. The film, which is part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, is set to release on July 26, 2024.