Human Finger Found in Ice Cream Cone: Yummo Ice Cream Factory Worker Injured, License Suspended

A disturbing discovery of a human finger in an ice cream cone in Mumbai has sent shockwaves through the city and raised serious concerns about food safety. The incident involved Yummo ice cream, a popular brand in the region.

Police investigations have revealed a potential connection between the found finger and a worker at the Yummo ice cream factory in Pune. The worker reportedly suffered a finger injury in an accident, and police believe the ice cream containing the finger was packaged on the same day as the accident. Samples have been sent for DNA testing to confirm if the finger belongs to the injured worker.

The incident came to light when a 26-year-old doctor, Orlem Brandon Serrao, claimed to have found the finger in an ice cream cone he purchased from Yummo through a grocery app on June 12. Serrao stated that he felt something unusual while eating the ice cream and upon closer inspection, discovered what appeared to be a human finger.

Following the doctor’s report, Malad police registered a case against Yummo ice cream company and sent the ice cream sample for investigation. The Food Safety Standards of India (FSSAI) reacted swiftly to the incident by suspending the license of the ice cream manufacturer in Pune.

FSSAI officials stated that a team from their Western Region Office inspected the ice cream manufacturer’s premises and determined that the license should be suspended. The manufacturer, based in Indapur, Pune, holds a central license. The State Food and Drug Administration (FDA) also inspected the seller’s premises in Mumbai and collected samples from the batch in question.

In response to the incident, FSSAI has sent letters to state commissioners of food safety and regional directors, emphasizing the importance of ensuring safe and wholesome food for consumers. The letters stressed the need to take immediate action when enforcement samples indicate unsafe food products.

The discovery of a human finger in an ice cream cone is a deeply disturbing event that highlights the crucial role of food safety regulations and the need for stringent quality control measures in the food industry. The incident has prompted a thorough investigation by authorities and has raised significant public concern over the safety of food products.

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