Iberia Celebrates Aeronautical Maintenance Technician Day: Honoring the Unsung Heroes of Aviation

Iberia’s skilled team of over 2,500 AMTs performs a wide range of tasks, including bodywork maintenance, mechanics, structures, composite materials, painting, machining, verification, electronics, electromechanics, and welding. In recent years, the AMT workforce has experienced significant growth, with nearly 450 new professionals joining the team.

The growing demand for AMTs reflects the projected 28% expansion of the global fleet in the coming decade, necessitating around 33,000 new professionals annually. Recognizing the importance of this role, Iberia prioritizes vocational training programs, with over 20% of new recruits coming from such educational backgrounds.

However, the industry faces challenges in workforce renewal and increasing female representation. In Spain, only 4.8% of students opt for vehicle maintenance in vocational education, and a mere 0.4% of those are women. To address this disparity, Iberia has implemented initiatives to promote diversity and inclusion in the field.

In celebration of AMT Day, Iberia hosted an event at Espacio Iberia in Madrid to honor the dedication and expertise of its AMT team. The event also paid tribute to former Iberia AMT Engraciano, who at 109 years of age embodies the rich history and significant contributions of Maintenance Technicians to the aviation industry.

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