ICE Unit Rebrands Amid Agency Frustration

A rebranding effort by Homeland Security Investigations (HSI), a unit of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), has sparked frustration within the agency. The standalone website launched by HSI aims to shed the negative associations with the ICE moniker and enhance the unit’s ability to conduct investigations without facing political backlash. However, this move has caused discontent within the Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) branch of ICE, which has opted to retain the ICE branding. In an internal email obtained by Fox News Digital, ERO officials expressed their intent to maintain their identity and mission, emphasizing professionalism, honor, and integrity. They highlighted recent operational successes, including the arrest of criminal illegal immigrants and the disruption of drug trafficking and child sexual abuse networks. ERO Executive Associate Director Daniel Bible assured employees that their mission would not be swayed by political rhetoric and that they would advocate for changes to policy and structure to enhance their operational capabilities. The frustration within ERO stems from an ongoing border crisis and the Biden administration’s narrowing of ICE’s enforcement priorities. Critics like RJ Hauman, President of the National Immigration Center for Enforcement (NICE), claim that the rebranding is part of an anti-enforcement agenda, undermining ICE’s ability to effectively enforce immigration laws and protect public safety.

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