Illegal Immigration Harming Veterans: Biden Must Secure Border, Honor Those Who Served

The Biden administration’s open border policies are exacerbating the crisis at the southern border, while neglecting the needs of American veterans.

While illegal aliens receive greater attention and resources, veterans are left behind, facing delays in healthcare and homelessness. The VA has been diverting funds meant for veterans to support illegal aliens, despite the fact that nearly half a million veterans and their families await treatment.

This cannot stand. The Biden administration must secure the southern border and begin honoring the individuals who served to defend our borders.

Firstly, we must secure our southern border. The lack of vetting, the abuse of the immigration system and the serious national security concerns must first be addressed if we are to regain control of our nation’s border.

Once complete, we may then truly begin to give the men and women who served our country the attention and resources they rightfully deserve. Ensuring the VA is properly funded and enabled to provide veterans with greater choice in their healthcare decisions are noble goals that we ought to pursue.

Additionally, we can also begin to deal with the more than 100,000 legal residents who signed up to serve in our military under the promise of citizenship. Unlike the bill put forth by this Congress — that incentivizes more illegal immigration — the path I suggest is one that fulfills a promise made when many of these veterans fled their native countries, signed up to defend ours, and adopted the American way.

Many of them have been in this country for decades under ambiguous legal status and more than 10,000 have already been deported. Imagine being a deported U.S. veteran, watching as millions of illegal migrants are allowed entry.

Instead of fast-tracking potential criminals, we should offer a Patriotic Path for citizenship to those who served honorably. A third-party organization could expedite non-citizen veterans to citizenship within 12 months. Additionally, this pathway ought to allow those under the age of 22, who have been in the United States since childhood, to serve in the military and gain citizenship, thereby avoiding the enlistment of recent migrants with ill intentions.

Unfortunately, it seems that Biden would rather continue to advertise a problematic path to citizenship for millions of illegal aliens rather than taking care of the men and women who have already served our country — citizens and legal residents alike.

As the CEO of VetComm — an organization dedicated to ensuring veterans are properly compensated by the VA for their disabilities — I can say the audacity and malicious intent it takes to give away funds meant for veterans to illegal migrants is unforgivable.

Do our veterans deserve neglect and deportation while the millions of recent illegal immigrants desecrate and destroy cities across the country? Given that they have fulfilled their promises to our nation, I believe it is time we secure border and do the same.

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