Illinois Mayor Accused of Extravagant Spending, Potential Bankrupting of Village

The Village of Dolton, Illinois, is caught in a whirlwind of controversy surrounding its mayor, Tiffany Henyard. Accusations of financial mismanagement, excessive spending, and potential corruption have cast a shadow over the town, culminating in the Illinois State Comptroller’s suspension of funds due to unfiled financial reports.

The comptroller’s office has cited a pattern of non-compliance with reporting requirements, spanning two years. This includes missing financial statements, audits, and Tax Increment Financing District reports. Despite repeated notifications, Mayor Henyard’s office has reportedly refused to communicate or address the issue.

Adding fuel to the fire, a recent investigation by former Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot revealed concerning financial practices. The investigation revealed a staggering $3.65 million deficit in Dolton’s general fund balance as of May 2024, a stark contrast to the $5.61 million balance in April 2022. The report also detailed Henyard’s use of the village credit card for purchases at major retailers like Amazon, Target, Walgreens, and Wayfair, including a staggering $33,000 purchase from Amazon on January 5, 2023.

The comptroller has warned that Dolton could face significant financial penalties if it continues to fail to file reports. These penalties could include forced audits and fines, potentially reaching $78,600 in addition to the loss of offset funds that the village typically receives.

Beyond financial irregularities, the situation in Dolton has been further complicated by allegations of corruption and questionable leadership decisions. Despite being indicted on bankruptcy fraud charges, former Deputy Chief of Police Lewis Lacey remains in a leadership role within the police department. Mayor Henyard has reportedly instructed officers to continue obeying Lacey’s orders, raising concerns about her judgment and prioritizing personal allegiances over responsible governance.

Furthermore, Freeman, the village administrator who was also charged with bankruptcy fraud, has been accused of interfering with FOIA requests. The village clerk, Allison Key, has reported that Freeman has illegally removed her as FOIA officer and prevented her from responding to requests for public information.

These accusations and investigations have drawn significant attention to Dolton, painting a grim picture of a town struggling with financial instability and a mayor accused of extravagant spending and potentially corrupt practices. The FBI’s ongoing investigation into the town’s finances and Henyard’s leadership is expected to shed further light on the situation.

In the face of these mounting concerns, residents of Dolton are demanding accountability and a change in leadership. With Henyard’s tenure marred by allegations of financial mismanagement, corruption, and questionable decisions, the future of Dolton hangs in the balance as the investigations continue.

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