IMA Demands Central Law to Combat Violence Against Doctors and Hospitals

The Indian Medical Association (IMA) has once again appealed to the National Task Force (NTF) to implement a comprehensive central law that effectively addresses violence against doctors and hospitals. The NTF was established by the Supreme Court to develop protocols aimed at ensuring the safety and security of healthcare professionals. In its letter to the NTF, the IMA highlights the urgent need for a central law, stating that existing measures have failed to adequately curb the escalating violence.

The IMA, in its submission to the NTF, emphasizes the urgency of the issue, citing a study titled ‘Safety During Night Duty: Survey of 3885 Doctors Across India’ and a draft legislation titled ‘The Healthcare Service Personnel and Clinical Establishments (Prohibition of Violence and Damage to Property) Bill, 2019’. The organization argues that the varying nature of healthcare facilities across India necessitates a uniform approach, emphasizing that a central law serves as a potent deterrent.

The IMA’s demand for hospitals to be declared as safe zones is another key element of its submission. This declaration would grant hospitals enhanced security measures, though the IMA stresses the importance of maintaining a patient-friendly and culturally sensitive environment. The organization also calls for improvements in the working and living conditions of resident doctors, highlighting the persistent challenges faced by this group despite various administrative and judicial pronouncements.

The IMA, established in 1928 and boasting a network of 1,800 local branches, 28 state branches, and 385,000 members across India, represents the nation’s modern medicine doctors. The organization asserts its commitment to the well-being of the medical community and expresses its expectation that the NTF will address the concerns and restore confidence among doctors who have been grappling with violence and unsafe working conditions.

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