IMA Suspends Kolkata Branch Vice President Over Handling of Doctor’s Murder Case

The Indian Medical Association (IMA) has taken disciplinary action against Dr. Ghosh, the vice president of its Kolkata branch, suspending him from membership. This decision follows the tragic rape and murder of a postgraduate resident doctor at RG Kar Medical College and Hospital.

The IMA’s disciplinary committee, convened by national president Dr. R V Asokan, thoroughly examined the case and the events that unfolded afterward. The committee’s order highlighted the grievances expressed by the victim’s parents, who accused Dr. Ghosh of a lack of empathy and sensitivity in his handling of the situation. They felt his actions were not befitting the responsibility he held within the medical community.

Adding to the pressure, the IMA Bengal state branch and other doctors’ associations also demanded action, citing the negative impact Dr. Ghosh’s actions had on the reputation of the medical profession as a whole.

In light of these concerns, the IMA’s disciplinary committee reached a unanimous decision to immediately suspend Dr. Ghosh from his membership. This suspension underscores the seriousness with which the IMA views the handling of this tragic case and its commitment to upholding the highest ethical standards within the medical community.

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