Imran Amed: The Business of Fashion’s Founder on Curiosity, Community, and Finding Your Place

Imran Amed, founder of The Business of Fashion, reflects on his journey from a failed fashion startup to building a global platform that has redefined how we understand the industry. He candidly shares his experiences, emphasizing the importance of embracing challenges and following your curiosity.

Amed’s initial foray into the world of fashion was a brief but impactful one. He launched a company to support aspiring London-based designers but, after eight months, it shuttered. While it was a setback, Amed viewed it as a crash course in fashion, one that allowed him to meet countless individuals and gain invaluable experience. This experience led him to start a password-protected blog that eventually evolved into The Business of Fashion, a platform now known for its insightful analysis and its commitment to fostering a more inclusive and transparent fashion community.

Amed’s journey is a testament to the power of perseverance and the importance of following your passions. He emphasizes that the “thing that sparks energy in you, that keeps you up at night, that gets you excited” should be the guiding force behind your career pursuits. This principle, he says, has remained consistent from his early days in Calgary to the present day.

In a conversation with Vogue Philippines, Amed expands on his journey, sharing his perspective on the misconceptions surrounding the fashion industry and the importance of fostering a sense of community. He believes that the fashion world, often perceived as an exclusive and glamorous realm, is actually a place where misfits and outsiders find a sense of belonging.

“I think a lot of the people who are drawn to fashion are actually misfits and outsiders,” he says. “I think people like that are sometimes drawn to fashion because it’s an industry where you can express yourself pretty freely, without judgment. It embraces all kinds of characters.”

For Amed, the power of personal stories and the web of relationships that define the fashion industry have been central to his journey. He highlights the importance of actively seeking out diverse voices and experiences, both within and beyond the fashion world. “The more you can spend time in places where you’re outside of your comfort zone and you’re meeting people who are not operating in your world, the more you’re likely to find something different and interesting and unexpected,” he advises.

Amed’s story is a reminder that success is not always linear. It’s often about embracing challenges, following your curiosity, and building meaningful connections. The journey itself, with its twists and turns, can be just as rewarding as the destination.

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