India and Iran Strengthen Tourism Ties with New Memorandum of Understanding

India and Iran are taking a significant step towards strengthening their tourism ties. The two countries are preparing to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between their respective tourism authorities, aiming to enhance their collaboration in the tourism sector. This announcement was made during the Iran Tourism Roadshow, highlighting the rich historical relationship between the two nations as a strong foundation for their partnership.

Iran’s recent decision to waive visas for Indian tourists has already yielded remarkable results, leading to a 39% increase in Indian travelers in the first four months of this year. Last year, over 58,000 Indian tourists visited Iran, demonstrating the growing interest in experiencing its ancient culture and captivating landscapes. India, with its diverse cultural offerings and natural beauty, also presents a compelling opportunity to attract more Iranian tourists.

The upcoming MoU is designed to facilitate the flow of tourists between the two nations. It will address key areas such as tourism promotion, product development, and the preservation of intangible cultural heritage. Both countries are committed to implementing the MoU’s provisions to build a robust and sustainable tourism partnership.

Beyond the MoU, there is a strong emphasis on increasing direct flights between cities in both countries. Currently, air connectivity between Tehran and Indian cities like Delhi and Mumbai is limited to a few weekly flights. However, the growing demand for more flights, including routes to other Iranian cities like Shiraz and Isfahan, highlights the need for enhanced air connectivity to boost tourism exchanges.

To promote its tourism offerings, Iran has already conducted roadshows in Mumbai, Hyderabad, and New Delhi. These events showcase the country’s rich historical and cultural attractions and are planned to be expanded to other Indian cities. Similarly, hosting such events in various Iranian cities is also under consideration.

Tourism is recognized as a key driver in strengthening people-to-people relations between India and Iran. With over 13 million Iranians traveling abroad last year, India has the potential to attract a significant share of these tourists.

Further strengthening the relationship, the Iranian city of Yazd will host a pivotal meeting of tourism ministers in November, aimed at further boosting tourism cooperation between the two nations. This meeting will serve as a platform to discuss further collaborations and explore new initiatives to enhance the tourism experience for visitors from both countries.

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