India Braces for Heavy Rainfall as Monsoon Season Peaks

India is gearing up for a period of heavy rainfall as the monsoon season reaches its peak. The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) has predicted “very heavy rainfall” for several parts of the country in the coming weeks.

The weather department has forecast above-average rainfall across India during the month of September. Heavy to very heavy precipitation is expected in northwest India and the surrounding areas. While most of India is likely to receive above-average rainfall, some regions will experience below-average precipitation. These areas include parts of extreme northwest India, the southern peninsula, northern Bihar, northeastern Uttar Pradesh, and most of northeast India.

The IMD chief, Mrutyunjay Mohapatra, stated that India is expected to receive 109 percent of the long-period average rainfall in September, amounting to 167.9 mm. Northwest India experienced a record-breaking 253.9 mm of rainfall in August, the second highest recorded since 2001.

The IMD attributed the below-normal rainfall in several districts of the Himalayan foothills and the northeast to the southward shift of most low-pressure systems and the monsoon trough. Mohapatra mentioned that several northeastern states, along with Kerala and the Vidarbha region of Maharashtra, have experienced deficient rainfall.

These weather updates come as Cyclone Asna makes its presence felt in Gujarat, triggering heavy rainfall and flooding. The deep depression over the Arabian Sea is expected to move west-northwest over the Northeast Arabian Sea, moving away from the Indian coast within the next 24 hours.

The IMD reported that Kachchh has received very heavy rainfall in the past 24 hours. Since June 1st, Gujarat has received 882 mm of rainfall, which is 50% more than normal. Saurashtra and Kachchh regions have also recorded above-average rainfall. Light to moderate rainfall is expected for Ahmedabad and Gandhinagar today.

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