India Condemns Glorification of 1985 Air India Kanishka Bombing

On the 39th anniversary of the devastating Air India Kanishka bombing, the High Commission of India in Canada has issued a strong condemnation of any attempts to glorify the 1985 terrorist attack. The statement, released on Monday, expresses deep sorrow for the loss of life and emphasizes the abhorrent nature of the act.

The High Commission specifically criticizes the allowance of such glorification within Canada, stating, “…Any act of glorifying terrorism, including the bombing of Al-182 in 1985, is deplorable and should be condemned by all peace-loving countries and people. It is unfortunate that such actions are allowed to be routine on many occasions in Canada.”

This statement serves as a stark reminder of the tragic events of 1985 and the ongoing need for vigilance against terrorism. It also highlights the sensitive nature of the incident for the Indian community and the importance of international cooperation in combating terrorism.

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