India Raises Windfall Tax on Domestic Crude Oil to ₹6,000/tonne

The Indian government has announced a major hike in the windfall tax imposed on domestically produced crude oil. The new tax rate has been set at ₹6,000 per tonne, a substantial increase from the previous rate. This decision is likely to have a significant impact on oil companies operating in India, as they will now face a higher tax burden on their crude oil production.

The government’s rationale for this move remains unclear, but it is speculated that the increased windfall tax could be aimed at generating additional revenue for the government, potentially to fund social welfare programs or infrastructure projects.

This development is breaking news, and further details are awaited. Experts are expected to analyze the implications of this tax hike on the Indian oil and gas industry, as well as the broader economic landscape. The government’s motivations and potential consequences of this policy change will likely be the subject of intense scrutiny in the coming days.

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