India Tops QS Rankings Among G20 Nations

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has hailed the Indian government’s efforts in education, as the country emerged as the leader among G20 nations in the latest QS University rankings.

PM Modi took to social media to express his excitement, stating that the government’s focus on research, learning, and innovation has been crucial in this achievement. He further emphasized the importance of continuing this emphasis to benefit India’s youth.

Nunzio Quacquarelli, President of QS University Rankings, praised India’s growth in the QS subject rankings, highlighting a significant 14% year-on-year improvement in its average ranking. He attributed this success to India’s visionary policies, such as the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020, which has been spearheaded by Prime Minister Modi.

Indian universities have shown remarkable progress in various subjects, including Biological Sciences, Business Studies, and STEM subjects. The NEP has been identified as a driving force behind these positive changes in higher education. With the second-highest number of featured universities in the QS subject rankings across Asia, India has emerged as a leading destination for higher education.

The QS University Rankings report acknowledges the Union Government’s vision for India’s new education system, as defined in the NEP 2020 under PM Modi’s leadership.

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