Indian-American Comedian Sparks Controversy By Asking Mother With Baby to Leave Show

During a show at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival, Indian-American comedian Arj Barker asked a breastfeeding mother with her 7-month-old baby to leave the event due to the baby’s sounds disrupting his performance. Some audience members left with the mother to support her, while others made negative comments as she exited.

Barker defended his decision, stating that it was made to ensure an uninterrupted experience for paying attendees. He expressed sympathy for the mother’s discomfort, acknowledging the challenging nature of the situation.

The incident has sparked a debate in Australia about the rights of mothers to attend public events with their babies and the expectations of performers during live shows. The mother involved, Trish Faranda, shared her perspective on the incident, expressing her initial disbelief when Barker asked her to leave.

Faranda’s experience prompted sympathy from many, with some arguing that mothers should be allowed to participate in public activities without facing humiliation. Australian politician Ellen Sandell condemned Barker’s actions, stating that it is difficult enough for new mothers to participate in society with the barriers they face, and to be humiliated like this, for just trying to enjoy the comedy festival, is awful.

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