India’s ESI Scheme Sees Surge in New Registrations, With Focus on Youth and Gender Equality

India’s Employees’ State Insurance (ESI) Scheme saw a major boost in August 2024, with over 20.74 lakh new workers joining the program. This surge in registrations signifies a positive trend for the social security network in India. The Ministry of Labour and Employment highlighted the significant participation of young employees, with almost 9.89 lakh individuals under the age of 25 opting for the ESI scheme. This demonstrates the growing importance of social security for India’s younger workforce.

Further analysis of the payroll data reveals a strong focus on gender inclusivity, with 4.14 lakh female employees joining the ESI scheme in August. This signifies a significant step towards ensuring equal access to social security benefits for women in the workforce.

The expansion of the ESI scheme also includes new establishments, with 28,917 businesses brought under the program’s social security ambit in August. This signifies a commitment to provide comprehensive protection to a wider range of workers in the organized sector. The year-on-year analysis highlights a notable 6.80% growth in net registrations compared to August 2023, signifying a steady and upward trend in the scheme’s reach and impact.

The ESI scheme’s commitment to inclusivity is further highlighted by the registration of 60 transgender employees in August. This emphasizes the scheme’s dedication to providing benefits to every section of society, ensuring that no one is left behind in the pursuit of social security and well-being.

The Employees’ State Insurance Scheme of India is a comprehensive social security program designed to provide multifaceted protection to employees in the organized sector. This protection covers a wide range of needs, including:



Providing financial assistance and medical care during periods of illness.


Offering financial support and medical benefits to pregnant employees.


Providing financial assistance and medical care in cases of work-related injuries or disabilities.

Death due to employment injury:

Offering financial support to dependents in the event of a worker’s death due to work-related injuries.

The scheme also provides medical care for insured employees and their families, ensuring access to quality healthcare services.

The strong growth in ESI registrations in August 2024 signifies the scheme’s expanding reach and its increasing importance for both workers and the Indian economy. The focus on youth, gender inclusivity, and the inclusion of new establishments strengthens the ESI scheme’s role in promoting social security and economic well-being for a wider segment of the workforce in India.

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