Indonesian Comedian Sentenced to Jail for Blasphemy Joke About Name ‘Muhammad’

A court in Indonesia has sentenced comedian Aulia Rakhman to seven months in prison on charges of blasphemy. The verdict came to light on Tuesday, after he was found guilty of making a joke about the name ‘Muhammad’ at a stand-up comedy event in December. Rakhman was accused of spreading hatred through his joke, which reportedly centered on the loss of positive connotations associated with the name due to the behavior of some individuals who share it. Muhammad is one of the most prevalent male names in Indonesia, which has the largest Muslim population globally. The comedian’s remarks violated a law that prohibits statements that conflict with the country’s six official religions or impede religious practice. The law carries a maximum penalty of five years in prison. Prosecutors had initially sought an eight-month sentence for Rakhman. During the trial, the comedian admitted to his actions and expressed regret. His polite demeanor and lack of prior convictions were considered mitigating factors. However, the court deemed that his actions disturbed society and warranted a prison sentence. The verdict against Rakhman is part of a larger trend of blasphemy cases in Indonesia. In 2022, Indonesian police arrested six individuals over a bar chain’s free alcohol promotion for patrons named ‘Muhammad.’ Similarly, in 2017, Jakarta’s former governor, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok), faced imprisonment for alleged blasphemy. Human rights groups have consistently opposed the blasphemy law, arguing that it has been frequently misused to target religious minorities.

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