Indulge in the Delectable Flavors of Tea Raisin Buttermilk Scones

Prepare to tantalize your senses with our extraordinary Tea Raisin Buttermilk Scones. This culinary masterpiece combines the finest ingredients to create a symphony of flavors.

To create the scones, we begin by whisking together the dry ingredients, including plain flour, caster sugar, and baking powder. A pinch of sea salt adds a subtle touch of savoriness. Next, we incorporate cold, unsalted butter into the dry mixture, resulting in a crumbly texture.

In a separate bowl, we whisk together eggs, buttermilk, and a hint of vanilla bean paste. This liquid mixture is gradually added to the dry ingredients, forming a cohesive dough. Once the dough comes together, we divide it into two halves.

One half of the dough is transformed into a rectangle and set aside to rest. The remaining half is enriched with Earl Grey tea-infused sultanas, creating an aromatic and flavorful contrast. This portion of dough is also shaped into a rectangle and allowed to rest.

After sufficient resting time, we carefully roll out each dough portion to a thickness of 2 cm. Using a 5.5 cm circle cutter, we create discs that will form our scones. To preserve their delicate texture, we gently arrange the scones on prepared baking trays, taking care not to touch them excessively.

The tops of the sultana scones are brushed with egg yolk, adding a golden hue. The plain scones are lightly dusted with flour before being set aside for an hour, allowing the gluten to relax.

Finally, the moment of truth arrives as the scones are baked at 190°C for 12-15 minutes, achieving a perfect balance of golden crispiness and fluffy tenderness. Allow the scones to rest briefly before indulging in their exquisite flavors.

Serve these delectable treats with dollops of clotted cream and your favorite jam to create a truly unforgettable culinary experience. Whether you’re planning a special Mother’s Day event or simply craving a delightful treat, these Tea Raisin Buttermilk Scones will undoubtedly become a cherished favorite.

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