Introducing Bandarful: India’s First Farm-to-Bottle Cold-Brew Coffee Liqueur, Unveiled by Himmaleh Spirits

Brace yourselves, India! Himmaleh Spirits proudly presents Bandarful, a handcrafted cold-brew coffee liqueur that embodies the untamed spirit of our nation. Inspired by the playful langur monkeys of the Kumaon region, Bandarful is a bold and audacious expedition in liquid form.

Meticulously brewed over 22 hours and expertly blended on-site, Bandarful is a captivating journey that traverses golden grain fields, sprawling coffee plantations, and fruit-laden orchards. Each bottle is a celebration of India’s diverse terroir, crafted using locally sourced rice, pure Himalayan spring water, and medium-dark Arabica coffee beans from the foothills of the Western Ghats.

Bandarful is more than just a liqueur; it is an embodiment of joy and a tribute to the vibrant Kumaoni community. Our beloved long-tailed raconteurs, the langur monkeys, are the unsung heroes behind Bandarful, lending their name and playful spirit to this extraordinary creation.

Speaking on the launch, Ansh Khanna, Co-Founder of Himmaleh Spirits, said, “Bandarful is a journey that captures the untamed essence of our country. With coffee culture rapidly gaining momentum, Bandarful stands out as an exquisite blend of high-quality coffee and spirit, making it an ideal choice for both coffee aficionados and alco-bev connoisseurs. With every sip, we’re breaking free from the ordinary and inviting you into a world where life’s too short for boring drinks. Cheers to fun, cheers to Bandarful!”

Samarth Prasad, Co-Founder of Himmaleh Spirits, added, “Bandarful is our ode to endless joy and celebrations. It’s crafted with the choicest coffee beans, a dash of Himalayan flair, and a recipe so hush-hush that it’s hidden in the midst of treetops. This artisanal coffee liqueur is a testament to Himmaleh’s commitment to introduce and innovate high-quality products using only the finest local ingredients sustainably sourced. We want you to get ready for an adventure as we turn sips into stories.”

Encased in a crystal-clear glass bottle with a distinctive bar-top neck, Bandarful is impossible to miss, just like spotting a monkey in the dense jungle. Whether relished over ice, poured neat, mixed into a cocktail, indulged as a dessert accompaniment, or savored as a post-dinner digestif, Bandarful promises a caffeine-infused celebration for your taste buds. Its wildly expressive and vibrant flavors will leave you yearning for more.

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