Invasion at the Southern Border: America’s Security at Stake

The Southern border of the United States is facing a dire situation, as individuals casually stroll across the wide-open border, creating a humanitarian crisis, breakdown of law and order, and an invasion of our country. Local officials who once declared the border secure in 2019 now report a drastic change in circumstances, indicating that cooperation and support from the federal government are crucial to restore order.

America finds itself in a unique battle, not with foreign nations, but with the invasion happening on its southern border. This invasion is aided and abetted by the Biden administration and funded by well-financed NGOs, whose interests conflict with those of the American people. President Biden’s lack of concern for national security is evident in his pursuit of importing individuals from anywhere in the world, without proper vetting or screening.

The leftist intellectuals promote the concept of “regular migration,” which in practice translates to open borders, a goal embraced by the Biden administration. The border is being invaded by fighting-aged males from America’s enemies, with single adult males constituting the fastest-growing group of migrants. This is not a coincidence but a planned and organized raid on our country by hostile foreign nations, while our politicians in Washington turn a blind eye.

The Biden administration’s appeasement strategy mirrors that of Neville Chamberlain in the leadup to World War II, as they sit idly by, doing nothing to secure the border. When states like Texas step up to protect their borders, the Biden administration actively fights them. The recent court ruling on S.B. 4, which allows state authorities to arrest and prosecute people suspected of illegally crossing the border, was inexplicably opposed by the Biden administration, demonstrating an abdication of their duty to enforce federal law.

Even individuals within the Biden administration, such as FBI Director Christopher Wray, have raised concerns about the dangerous individuals crossing the border. Wray has warned Congress about the threats emanating from the border, particularly drug trafficking, and the potential for a terror attack on U.S. soil. Despite these warnings, a group of 15 House Democrats have urged the administration to take action, but their pleas have been ignored.

Conservatives recognize that Washington cannot be relied upon to solve this problem. The American people are the last hope for action, and continued public support for a strong and secure border is essential. Public polling data confirms that border security is a top concern for voters, with illegal immigration being a significant issue facing the country. Nearly one-third of Americans believe that shutting down the southern border is the best way to deter illegal immigration, and concerns about the border have grown significantly in the past year, with 30% of respondents now considering it a bigger problem than inflation, crime, and unemployment.

Americans from both sides of the political spectrum support mass deportations of illegal immigrants, with over half the country now supporting this policy, including 42 percent of Democrats. As the border crisis worsens, Americans must continue supporting candidates who pledge to secure the border and address this urgent issue. A strong coalition of border-security advocates in the House, Senate, and White House could reverse the destructive policies that have precipitated this crisis and secure our nation from the threats posed by illegal immigration.

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