IO Interactive, known for the critically acclaimed Hitman trilogy, has announced the development of a new James Bond game under the code name Project 007. While details remain scarce, the game is confirmed to be an origin story, detailing Bond’s journey to earning his 00 status. This will be the first new James Bond game in over a decade, following the release of 2012’s GoldenEye 007: Reloaded.
Although no release date or platforms have been announced, it is likely that Project 007 will be released on current-generation consoles like the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC. As an independent studio, IO Interactive has no exclusivity agreements, potentially allowing for the game to be released on multiple platforms.
The only trailer available for Project 007 is a brief teaser released in 2020. The teaser shows a bullet being loaded into a gun chamber, accompanied by the iconic James Bond theme music and the classic shot of looking down the barrel of a gun at the 007 logo. No gameplay footage has been revealed yet, but fans speculate that it will incorporate elements from IO Interactive’s successful Hitman series. The Hitman games are known for their stealth gameplay, environmental interactions, and sandbox-style levels, which would translate well to a James Bond game.
As of now, there is no information available regarding preorders for Project 007. More details, including the release date, platforms, and gameplay, are expected to be revealed in the future. The prospect of a new James Bond game from IO Interactive has generated excitement among gamers, who are eager to experience a fresh take on the classic franchise.