Iran’s Assassination Plot Against Trump: A Call for Decisive Action

The revelation that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) knew about an Iranian plot to kill former President Donald Trump weeks before the attempted assassination in Pennsylvania is deeply concerning. According to a U.S. national security official, the Trump campaign was informed of the plot in June 2024, prompting the Secret Service to implement enhanced security measures. Despite these measures, the assassination attempt raises questions about the Secret Service’s effectiveness and the broader threat posed by the Iranian regime.

Iran’s mission at the United Nations, led by interim Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri-Kani, swiftly dismissed the report as “unsubstantiated and malicious.” They labelled Trump a “criminal” who should be prosecuted, referencing the killing of IRGC Quds Force commander Qassem Soleimani by President Trump in 2020. This assassination plot is not an isolated incident. The Iranian regime has a history of targeting American officials, including former national security adviser John Bolton, former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and myself, an Iranian American dissident who has been a vocal Trump supporter and an opponent of the Iranian regime.

The FBI has directly briefed me on this threat, and I have been under their protection since 2019. The regime’s claims of a “court of law” are disingenuous, given their history of oppression and human rights abuses. In response to their attempts to assassinate and kidnap my family and me, I have filed a lawsuit against the regime in the U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C.

The Biden administration’s response to this Iranian threat is inadequate. While releasing billions of dollars in funds to the regime and supplying questionable Secret Service protection for Trump, they have failed to take decisive action against the Iranian regime. The author argues that the Biden administration should emulate President Clinton’s response to a similar Iraqi threat in 1993, when Clinton launched Tomahawk missiles at the headquarters of the Iraqi Intelligence Service in response to their plan to assassinate former President George H.W. Bush. He calls for a decisive response, such as destroying the IRGC headquarters and the supreme leader’s palace, to send a clear message to America’s enemies and encourage the Iranian people to overthrow the regime. This action, he argues, could pave the way for a future where Iran becomes a friend and ally of the United States.

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