Iran’s CM-90 Missiles Reach Venezuela, Displayed Publicly to US

Iran Israel War: Venezuela Receives CM-90 Missiles, America on Alert as Tehran’s Weapons Reach Gaza

In a bold move, Iran has provided Venezuela with its formidable CM-90 missiles, a variant of the Nasir Anti-Ship Missile. This development comes amidst heightened tensions between Iran and Israel, raising concerns about the potential for increased conflict in the region.

The Venezuelan government has publicly displayed these missiles at the Agustin Armario naval base in Puerto Cabello, sending a clear message to the United States and its allies. This move is seen as a strategic response to America’s unwavering support for Israel in the ongoing conflict.

The deployment of CM-90 missiles in Venezuela has sparked concerns among US officials, who view it as a direct threat to American interests in the region. These missiles have a range of approximately 250 kilometers, posing a significant challenge to US naval operations in the Caribbean Sea and beyond.

Venezuela’s decision to acquire CM-90 missiles from Iran is seen as a significant escalation in the already tense relations between the two countries. The United States has long condemned Iran’s support for anti-American regimes, and this latest development is likely to further strain diplomatic ties.

The presence of CM-90 missiles in Venezuela raises the stakes in the ongoing conflict between Iran and Israel. It remains to be seen how the United States will respond to this provocative move and whether it will prompt a further escalation of tensions in the region.

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