Is TCL’s QLED a Fake? Quantum Dot Producer Raises Concerns

A storm is brewing in the world of QLED TVs, with a Korean quantum dot producer, Hansol Chemical, questioning the legitimacy of TCL’s QLED technology. QLED, short for quantum dot LED, signifies TVs boasting a layer of quantum dots (QD) on top of their LED backlight, promising richer, more accurate colors.

Hansol Chemical commissioned independent testing agencies, SGS and Intertek, to analyze TCL’s C755, C655, and C655 Pro QLED models. The analysis, initially published on, found no trace of indium and cadmium, essential elements in the production of quantum dots. Without these elements, experts believe the absence of quantum dots is confirmed.

TCL, however, refuted these claims. They responded to, stating they utilize QD films from three different suppliers, including Guangdong Region Advanced Materials. They presented their own SGS-conducted analysis, demonstrating the presence of cadmium in their QD films. TCL challenged the validity of Hansol’s report, citing insufficient detection methods for cadmium.

This disagreement reveals the intricate nature of the TV supply chain. TCL, China’s largest TV manufacturer, procures components from multiple vendors, introducing potential variations in quality. Quantum dots are often sourced through third-party suppliers who embed them into films for use in QLED TVs. This complex process could explain why TCL might have ended up with faulty quantum dot film, not necessarily indicating deliberate deception.

The situation raises concerns about the trust surrounding QLED technology. While consumers may not fully comprehend the nuances of quantum dots, they often perceive QLED TVs as premium products offering superior picture quality.

This incident also highlights a potential motive behind Hansol’s investigation. If consumers lose faith in QLED’s performance, demand for quantum dot-based TVs could dwindle, impacting all quantum dot producers, including Hansol.

The uncertainty surrounding QLED technology begs the question: what does ‘QLED’ truly signify for consumers? Industry insiders are discussing the establishment of a ‘QLED Alliance,’ aimed at creating a verification process and a standardized QLED logo for authentic quantum dot TVs.

Until such measures are implemented, buyers are advised to rely on thorough research and professional reviews from reputable sources like Digital Trends. Utilizing specialized measurement tools, TV experts can evaluate color gamut and accuracy, revealing any shortcomings in picture quality that would be absent in a genuine QLED display.

The debate over TCL’s QLED technology sheds light on the need for transparency and verifiable standards within the TV industry. Consumers deserve clarity and assurance that the products they purchase meet the advertised standards, especially when it comes to technologies like QLED that promise significant advancements in picture quality.

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