Isha Foundation Denies Forcing Monkhood or Marriage, Says Choices are Individual

The Isha Foundation, founded by Sadhguru, has vehemently denied allegations that it pressures individuals into taking up monkhood or marriage. The foundation released a statement on Wednesday asserting that these choices are personal and lie solely within the individual’s discretion.

The foundation clarified its purpose as imparting yoga and spirituality, emphasizing a belief in the freedom and wisdom of adults to chart their own paths. While the Isha Yoga Center houses a diverse community, including those who have chosen Brahmacharya or monkhood, the majority are not monks. Despite this, the petitioner in a recent court case sought the presence of the monks, who willingly presented themselves before the court. They unequivocally stated that their decision to reside at the Isha Yoga Center was entirely their own, made without any coercion or pressure.

The foundation’s statement comes in response to an inquiry by the Coimbatore district superintendent of police, prompted by a Madras High Court directive seeking a report on criminal cases against Isha Foundation. The inquiry was initiated following a habeas corpus petition filed by a retired professor, S Kamaraj, who claimed his two daughters were brainwashed into residing at the Isha Yoga Center and were prevented from contacting their family. The foundation vehemently denied these accusations, reiterating its stance on individual choices and the freedom to pursue one’s path.

The foundation further clarified that while they had received inquiries about a crematorium being built by them, they had filed a complaint against individuals attempting to trespass onto their premises under the guise of a fact-finding committee. The High Court has granted a stay on the submission of the final report by the police in this matter.

Isha Foundation declared that apart from the recent inquiries, there are no other criminal cases against them. They have expressed their intention to take strict legal action against individuals spreading false information about the organization.

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