Israeli Aircraft Target Hamas Rocket Launchers in Gaza Humanitarian Zone

Israeli aircraft targeted Hamas rocket launchers located in a southern Gaza humanitarian zone overnight, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) confirmed on Wednesday morning. According to the IDF, the launchers were loaded and posed an imminent threat, located a mere 15 meters from a nearby shelter tent.

To minimize civilian casualties, the IDF implemented measures before executing the strike. No reports of civilian casualties emerged, as warnings were issued in advance.

Additionally, Israeli aircraft targeted over 50 military sites in the Gaza Strip, including an operational tunnel shaft. Hamas terrorists were also neutralized in central Gaza via tank fire.

The escalating tensions between Israel and Hamas have resulted in approximately 1,200 fatalities and 240 hostages since October 7th. The ongoing conflict continues to escalate, with further repercussions expected.

In related news, clashes between pro-Palestinian student protesters and university administrations have intensified on both the east and west coasts of the United States. Hundreds of protesters at an encampment at Columbia University were faced with an administration deadline to clear out, while dozens barricaded themselves inside two buildings on a Northern California college campus for the second night.

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