Israel’s Supreme Court Orders Ultra-Orthodox Jews to Be Drafted into Military Service

Israel’s Supreme Court has made a landmark decision, ruling that ultra-Orthodox Jews, known as Haredi Jews in Israel, must be drafted into military service. This ruling eliminates the exemption that has been in place for this community, setting the stage for a significant shift in Israeli society. The issue has long been a source of tension within Israel, with many ultra-Orthodox Jews opposing the country’s mandatory military service.

The ruling, which was unanimous, declared that no existing law in Israel justifies exempting ultra-Orthodox Jews from military service. The court emphasized that the government must cease its practice of instructing the military and defense ministry to exclude Haredi Jews from the draft.

The court’s decision stems from the principle of equality under the law. In the absence of a specific law distinguishing between Haredi Jews and other Israeli citizens, the court determined that the country’s mandatory military service should apply to all citizens, including ultra-Orthodox individuals.

This ruling impacts an estimated 67,000 Haredi Jewish men who are eligible for military service. Their exemption from the draft has been a point of contention for many Israelis, particularly in light of the ongoing war. During the court proceedings, judges expressed concern about the notion that requiring Haredi Jews to serve their country like other citizens was being framed as oppression of the community.

Ultra-Orthodox political parties have consistently sought legislation to secure blanket exemptions from military service for Haredi Jews. This ruling effectively thwarts those efforts, setting a new course for the integration of ultra-Orthodox individuals into the Israeli military. The implications of this decision are far-reaching and will likely spark continued debate and discussion within Israeli society.

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