Italian Mayor’s Weight Loss Walks Become Viral Phenomenon

In the charming northern Italian town of Valdobbiadene, Thursday nights have taken on a new meaning. Hundreds of residents now join their mayor, Luciano Fregonese, for an evening walk. Fregonese, re-elected in June, has made a public commitment to shed the 50kg he gained during his first decade in office. He attributes the weight gain to the demanding schedule and social obligations inherent in his role.

“Being mayor meant I no longer did any sport or physical activity,” Fregonese explained to The Guardian. “The other problem is that I enjoy eating and drinking, also because you eat and drink well here and so it’s not easy to follow a diet.” While Valdobbiadene is renowned for its sparkling wine, Fregonese emphasizes that the volume and irregular timing of meals posed a greater challenge.

During his re-election campaign, friends suggested he make his weight loss a central theme. This resonated with many of the town’s 10,000 residents, and Fregonese won with a resounding 67% of the vote. “I won the election and thought I should start getting busy. But I didn’t know how, I never had time,” he told Vanity Fair Italia. “Then, chatting with a friend who had the same problem as me, we said to each other: let’s go walking together. And why don’t we ask the people of the town too.”

Thus, Fregonese transformed his weekly Thursday office hours into walking sessions. Starting with a few dozen participants, the number quickly grew to over 200, with dogs joining in the fun. These walks take advantage of the town’s hilly terrain, covering 5.5 kilometers through vineyards and scenic pathways. The mayor’s Facebook page features photos, videos, and detailed routes of the walks.

While some participants approach Fregonese with requests and concerns, the majority simply enjoy the camaraderie and exercise. “It’s good because I certainly can’t maintain a brisk pace,” Fregonese remarked. His initiative has fostered a sense of community, with residents now greeting the walking group from their windows and even offering glasses of wine, though Fregonese politely declines.

“I’m already tired walking the five kilometers, imagine if I had to drink,” he quipped. This unique combination of fitness and community engagement has turned Fregonese’s weight loss journey into a viral success story, showcasing the power of shared goals and the importance of staying active, even for a busy mayor.

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