James Cleverly Visits Italy to Discuss Joint Action on Illegal Migration

Home Secretary James Cleverly traveled to Italy on Tuesday to meet with his counterpart, Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi, for talks on joint action to curb illegal migration.

Cleverly’s trip comes as the UK government gears up to get deportation flights to Rwanda off the ground as Rishi Sunak seeks to deter people from coming to the UK in small boats.

The Home Office said the UK and Italy are exploring cooperation on addressing the root causes of illegal migration.

Cleverly will also visit the Italian coastguard headquarters in Rome to understand the operational challenges the country faces from migrant arrivals. On Wednesday, he will become the first UK Government minister to visit Lampedusa, which last year saw around 110,000 migrants landing on its shores.

The Tory frontbencher will learn how Italian authorities are working with agencies such as Frontex and international humanitarian groups to track migrant boats and save the lives of those making the journey in unseaworthy vessels.

Cleverly said: “Tackling the global migration crisis takes global solutions. Italy are one of our most crucial partners in tackling this shared challenge and have been at the forefront of arrivals into Europe.

“Our countries have shown we are willing to challenge the status quo and use innovative solutions to tackle the issues, while ferociously going after the people-smuggling gangs.”

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