Jane Goodall to Receive Lifetime Achievement Award at Toronto International Film Festival

Dr. Jane Goodall, the esteemed ethologist and environmentalist, will be making a special visit to Canada this week. The renowned founder of the Jane Goodall Institute of Canada (JGIC) will be honored at the Artists for Peace and Justice Festival Gala, held during the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF), on September 8th. She will receive the prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award in recognition of her unwavering commitment to conservation, her relentless advocacy and activism, and her embodiment of global citizenship.

At 90 years old, Dr. Goodall continues to travel nearly 300 days a year, inspiring hope through action and sharing her message with audiences worldwide. This award celebrates her groundbreaking work and lifelong dedication to humanitarian causes.

The Jane Goodall Institute of Canada has been making significant strides in both Canada and Africa, focusing on youth empowerment and community-driven solutions. Some notable JGIC programs include:


Roots & Shoots:

This program empowers young people to develop projects addressing biodiversity loss, environmental inequity, and climate change. With participation from over 12,000 youth annually, it is open to young people in every province and territory.

Indigenous Micro-Grants Program:

This program provides resources to Indigenous youth to develop projects tackling environmental crises within their communities. Last year, these grants funded 13 Indigenous youth-led projects and supported over 530 participants in environmental leadership activities.

A.P.E. Fund:

This fund supports high-needs, youth-led Roots & Shoots projects addressing the convergence of biodiversity loss, environmental inequity, and climate change.

Youth Advisory Council:

This council brings together young leaders from across the country to contribute to programming, communications, undertake self-directed initiatives, and inspire other youth.

Femmes en Action:

This program supports women farmers in the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, ensuring they have the resources to become more resilient to climate change and its impacts. It helps them contribute to forest conservation initiatives and integrate nature-based solutions, aiming to support 4,500 women and improve food security, sustainable livelihoods, and living conditions.

The Jane Goodall Institute of Canada relies on generous support from donors to continue its vital work. Canadians can donate online at janegoodall.ca to ensure the organization can continue protecting animals, people, and the environment.

The Jane Goodall Institute of Canada and Artists for Peace and Justice (APJ) share a focus on youth empowerment and resilience, forming a strong connection between the two organizations. Since its inception, APJ has raised over $35 million and built the first free high school in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, allowing over 31,000 students to receive an education.

During the Festival Gala, APJ will also honor comedian, television personality, political satirist, and author Rick Mercer with the Canadian Changemaker Award, celebrating his significant philanthropic contributions and advocacy for social change.

For more information on the Jane Goodall Institute of Canada, visit www.janegoodall.ca. For more information about the Artists for Peace and Justice, visit apjnow.org/events.

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