Jesse Watters Denounces ‘Cruel and Unusual Punishment’ for Trump in Court

Jesse Watters decries ‘cruel and unusual punishment’ for Trump in court

Fox News host Jesse Watters has vehemently condemned the mandatory court appearances of former President Donald Trump, labeling them as “cruel and unusual punishment.” During an episode of The Five, Watters expressed outrage over the constraints imposed on Trump, emphasizing the need for exercise, sunlight, and activity for his overall well-being.

Watters argued that the legal proceedings are detrimental to Trump’s health, stating, “The guy needs exercise. He’s usually golfing. And so you’re going to put a man who is almost 80 sitting in a room like this on his butt for all that time? It’s not healthy. You know how big of a health nut I am.”

He continued, “He needs sunlight. He needs activity. He needs to be walking around. He needs action. It is really cruel and unusual punishment to make a man do that, and any time he moves, they threaten to throw him in prison.”

Watters further compared Trump’s treatment to that of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks and a Guantanamo Bay prisoner, suggesting that Mohammed may have been treated more favorably. “He has to sit there all week for six weeks. If he says anything, they’ll throw him in jail. If he leaves, they throw him in jail. That’s crazy!” Watters exclaimed.

“They had more allowances for Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. I think they bought a million-dollar soccer field for the people in GitMo. I don’t know if [Mohammed] was able to visit his son for his high school graduation, but it’s similar,” he added.

Watters also voiced concerns about the temperature in the courtroom where Trump is appearing, claiming it is “freezing” and putting Trump at risk. He further alleged that Trump’s life is in jeopardy due to the repeated court appearances in the same location.

“They’re putting his life in danger. They are telling the entire world—all the wackos—this is where the former president is going to be at this date, at this time, surrounded by high-rise buildings,” Watters said.

Watters concluded by criticizing the financial penalties imposed on Trump, saying, “They are seizing his bank accounts with these unconstitutional fines and unreasonable bond asks. It’s disgusting.”

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