Jet2’s Bold Sustainability Strategy: Journey to Net Zero and Jet2holidays have recently updated their sustainability strategy, outlining bold, concrete steps towards achieving net zero by 2050. This includes the introduction of a new climate transition plan for 2024-2035, aimed at aligning’s carbon intensity with the guidelines of the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) by 2035.

The updated strategy highlights the progress made by and Jet2holidays since their initial sustainability strategy in September 2021, covering advancements in air, on the ground, and at resorts. The new climate transition plan emphasizes the use of current technologies and actionable steps. It projects a 35% reduction in carbon emissions per revenue-paying passenger kilometer (gCO2/RPK) by 2035, down from 67gCO2/RPK in 2019 to 43.55gCO2/RPK. This reduction will align the company’s Scope 1 and 2 emissions with SBTi standards, with plans for SBTi validation in 2024.

Key actions include:

– Utilizing new technology for real-time operational data and analysis to enhance fuel efficiency
– Initiatives to reduce aircraft weight
– Expansion of Jet2holidays’ Certified Sustainable Hotels collection
– Efforts to achieve net-zero energy consumption in Jet2-owned buildings

Additionally, the strategy acknowledges the significant roles of the UK’s Airspace Modernisation Strategy and the EU’s Single European Sky initiative in reducing emissions, potentially leading to an 8% fuel savings across’s network by 2035 through more direct flight paths.

The strategy outlines several initiatives by Jet2, including the deployment of new technology for real-time operational data and analysis to enhance fuel efficiency, initiatives to reduce aircraft weight, the expansion of Jet2holidays’ Certified Sustainable Hotels collection, and efforts to achieve net-zero energy consumption in Jet2-owned buildings. Additionally, the company has pledged to report all Scope 3 emissions from their supply chain.

From 2021 to 2023, neutralized all its carbon emissions not already offset by its contributions to established schemes (CORSIA, and UK and EU Emissions Trading Schemes). The revised strategy redirects these funds from purchasing renewable energy credits to direct mitigation efforts, such as investing in Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) and installing split-scimitar winglets on aircraft.

The revised strategy prioritizes currently available technologies and actionable measures. Jet2 is also exploring future technologies like Direct Air Carbon Capture (DACC) and Bio Energy Carbon Capture (BECC) for potential future investments.

The strategy not only focuses on future goals but also highlights the accomplishments of and Jet2holidays in their pursuit of net zero since their initial sustainability strategy was released in September 2021. This includes investing in a new SAF production plant in the North West of England, using a SAF blend in 2024 at Bristol, London Stansted, and Malaga Airports, and the acquisition of five new aircraft from an order of up to 146 new Airbus A321/A320 neo aircraft by the end of 2023, which has since increased to seven.

In 2023, decreased its annual CO2 emissions intensity to 65.7 grams per revenue-paying passenger kilometer, earning a spot among the top ten airlines globally for sustainability according to the CAPA 2023 sustainability benchmark report. The airline’s comprehensive sustainability strategy, In The Air, outlines significant achievements not only in the air but also on the ground and in resort destinations. Notably, Jet2holidays introduced a Certified Sustainable Hotels collection, now encompassing over 950 properties. Additionally, has electrified more than half of its owned ground service equipment, transitioned its offices to renewable energy sources, and replaced 22 million single-use plastic items on its flights with sustainable alternatives.

Jet2 has committed to annual reporting on its sustainability progress and has developed a social value framework to support its employees and the communities it serves. This framework focuses on eight key areas, including training, well-being, inclusion, health, job creation, community engagement, partnerships, and ethical practices.

The strategy also calls for increased government intervention to aid the aviation industry’s decarbonization efforts. Key recommendations for the UK Government and the EU include accelerating investments in Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF) to foster new job creation, technology, and supply chains, ideally ahead of the current 2026 target. Furthermore, it suggests using revenues from the UK’s Emissions Trading Scheme to promote decarbonization and the development of technologies like direct air carbon capture, implementing Air Traffic Management reforms across Europe, and assisting airport operators in addressing electrical infrastructure upgrades.

Steve Heapy, CEO of and Jet2holidays said:

“I am proud of what we have achieved since launching our first sustainability strategy in 2021. We have invested in new and more fuel-efficient aircraft, as well as in SAF production here in the UK. We have launched a Certified Sustainable Hotels collection, removed millions of single use plastics from onboard our aircraft and met our carbon intensity reduction targets to date. As a result of all this hard work, we have been recognised amongst the top 10 airlines globally for sustainability, according to the CAPA 2023 sustainability benchmark report.”

He added:

“Today we are publishing an updated strategy which is bolder in ambition and outlines an emissions reduction pathway which will bring’s 2035 carbon intensity in line with the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) guidance. Critically, this emissions pathway is realistic and achievable because it is based on technologies and actions that we know are available and can be taken currently, rather than what may or may not be available in the future. In addition, we will also be closely monitoring to see where we can invest in and embrace new technologies.

“Our strategy clearly sets out our vision to accelerate our sustainability journey whilst supporting our colleagues and the communities where we operate. What is now required is more tangible Government support, both here in the UK and in Europe, to help aviation decarbonise faster. The opportunity is right in front of us, and the UK can become a global leader in SAF, carbon capture and decarbonisation technology with the right support from Government, but the time to act has to be now.”

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