British comedy legend John Cleese, renowned for his role in the iconic Monty Python troupe, has unveiled his significant investment in stem cell therapy as part of his anti-aging strategy. Over the past two decades, Cleese has consistently spent £17,000 every 12 to 18 months on stem cell injections from Switzerland.
Cleese’s decision to pursue stem cell therapy stems from their potential to act as a repair system for the body. Stem cells, known for their ability to transform into specialized cells, offer a promising avenue for regenerative therapies. The comedian believes that these injections have contributed to his youthful appearance, despite his 84 years.
In an interview with Saga Magazine, Cleese elaborated on the potential benefits of stem cells, explaining that they can travel throughout the body and repair damaged areas. The comedian credits these injections as the reason for his preserved appearance.
Cleese’s stem cell therapy expenditure is a testament to his belief in the potential of this treatment. He maintains that the investment is worthwhile if it prolongs his life.
In addition to stem cell therapy, Cleese attributes his youthful appearance to his wife, Jennifer Wade, who is 32 years his junior. Cleese believes that Wade’s presence in his life keeps him feeling young and energetic.
Despite his age, Cleese continues to maintain a busy work schedule, which he jokingly attributes to his ex-wife’s divorce settlement. Cleese’s candid admission of his surprising financial situation highlights the challenges that celebrities can face in managing their finances.