John Legend Calls Donald Trump a ‘Tried and True, Dyed-in-the-Wool Racist’

Musician John Legend has strongly denounced former U.S. President Donald Trump’s racial views in a recent interview.

Legend branded Trump a ‘tried and true, dyed-in-the-wool racist,’ citing the former president’s history of racist comments and actions, including his previous refusal to rent apartments to Black tenants. Legend questioned Trump’s sincerity in addressing issues affecting Black people.

Moreover, Legend criticized Trump’s stance on the criminal justice system, highlighting its two-tiered nature. He pointed out Trump’s ability to evade accountability despite his alleged fraudulent behavior and history of litigation, suggesting that the system favors the former president.

This is not the first time Legend has expressed his disapproval of Trump. He has previously acknowledged the impact of Trump’s presidency on his relationship with his wife, Chrissy Teigen, who has also been vocal in her criticism of Trump and his policies.

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