Johnny Depp Slams Disposable Big Budget Movies

Johnny Depp has expressed his dissatisfaction with the current state of big-budget movies, describing them as ‘disposable’ and lacking in originality.

In a recent interview with Metro UK, Depp stated that these films are often greenlit by studios without much thought or consideration for the audience’s preferences. He believes that audiences deserve better than the repetitive and uninspired content that is often churned out.

“They don’t want to be fed dreck,” Depp said. “They’re happy when they experience something new or different. So that’s why I’ve always felt, as an actor, it’s your responsibility to put as much at stake as anybody when you come out of the gate each time.”

Depp also criticized the excessive budgets of these films, which he believes are often wasted on unnecessary elements. “Glorified accountants who have the ability to press the green light and make studio films… but they press the green light, they spent s***loads of money,” he said. “Budgets are ridiculous on these films… some romantic comedy with two very popular people. People – the real people – they’re sick of it.”

Depp’s comments come at a time when the film industry is increasingly focused on big-budget franchises and sequels. However, he believes that there is still a place for original and thought-provoking films that offer something different to audiences.

“I think there’s a real hunger for something different,” Depp said. “People are tired of being spoon-fed the same old thing over and over again. They want to be surprised, they want to be challenged, they want to be entertained.”

Depp himself is set to star in the upcoming film ‘Jeanne du Barry,’ which is set to premiere at the Cannes Film Festival. He is also attached to several other projects, including a biopic about Amedeo Modigliani.

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