In the newly released stills, Do Da Hae, played by Chun Woo Hee, exudes a calm composure as she faces the scrutiny of the jjimjilbang family, particularly Baek Il Hong, portrayed by Kim Geum Soon. The palpable tension between these characters hints at an underlying narrative, drawing viewers into the mystery surrounding Baek Il Hong, Grace (Ryu Abel), and No Hyung Tae (Roy Choi). Their formidable presence and enigmatic expressions raise questions about their true identities and their connection to Do Da Hae. The production team behind ‘The Atypical Family’ teases that the dynamic relationship between Do Da Hae and the jjimjilbang family will be a captivating element of the drama. They also highlight the exceptional performances of Kim Geum Soon, Ryu Abel, and Roy Choi, which are expected to add depth and entertainment to the series. ‘The Atypical Family’ is set to premiere on May 4th at 10:30 p.m. KST, and fans eagerly anticipate the unveiling of its compelling narrative and captivating characters.