Juice Vendor Arrested in Ghaziabad for Serving Urine-Laced Drinks

A juice vendor in Ghaziabad, India, found himself behind bars on Friday after being accused of serving drinks laced with urine. The shocking incident came to light when customers observed a suspicious yellowish liquid being mixed with the fruit juice.

Following complaints from the public, the police launched an investigation and discovered a plastic container filled with urine at the stall. The stall owner, identified as Aamir Khan, was unable to provide a satisfactory explanation for the presence of the urine. A 15-year-old boy working at the stall was also detained in connection with the case.

The incident sparked outrage among locals, who gathered around the stall and confronted the vendor. Videos of the angry crowd thrashing the two shop workers quickly went viral on social media.

The Ghaziabad police confirmed the arrest and said that further action is being taken in the matter. This incident follows a disturbing trend of food contamination in India and the US. Earlier this year, a Telangana ice-cream vendor was arrested for allegedly masturbating and mixing semen into a container of falooda.

In another shocking incident from last year, a man in the US accidentally sipped on a cup of urine after receiving a Grubhub order. The delivery agent later admitted to relieving himself in a cup while on his way and mistakenly handing over the wrong container. The incident highlights the importance of food safety and hygiene, reminding us to be cautious about the sources of our food and drinks.

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