The Jujutsu Kaisen anime series has taken the world by storm, and its popularity continues to soar. Following the resounding success of the first season, the studio has been steadily releasing Blu-ray versions of the episodes, offering fans a chance to re-experience the thrilling adventures of Yuji Itadori and his comrades.
The Blu-ray releases boast several notable enhancements, including minor alterations and improved animation in key scenes. However, it is the Black Flash technique that has garnered particular attention. In the original broadcast, the Black Flash sequences were rendered with muted and contrasting color schemes, adding an air of mystery and intrigue. However, the Blu-rays unveil the true brilliance of the move with undimmed Black Flashes.
During the pivotal battle between Yuji and Todo against the formidable Mahito, all three combatants unleash a series of captivating Black Flashes. The Blu-ray version captures the full splendor of the art and animation, restoring the original color scheme that accentuates the dazzling effects.
Fans have been enthralled by the undimmed Black Flash scenes in the Blu-ray releases, taking to social media platforms to express their amazement. One Reddit user remarked, “This looks as smooth as butter, undimmed is just absolutely beautiful.” Another fan exclaimed, “Pure epicness!”
The Blu-rays have also addressed a common complaint among fans regarding the dimmed Black Flash scenes in the original broadcast. A viewer praised the improved visuals, saying, “Man the ghosting really did the fight scenes dirty. I could barely tell what the f**k was going on with all the dimming back then, but these Blu-ray animations are absolute peak.”
As of now, seven volumes of the Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 Blu-rays have been released in Japan, with the eighth volume scheduled to arrive on May 22, 2024. While there has been no official announcement regarding the English-language release of the Blu-rays, fans worldwide eagerly anticipate the global availability of these enhanced versions.
In addition to the Blu-ray releases, the Jujutsu Kaisen manga continues to captivate readers with its intricate plot and stunning artwork. Recent chapters have introduced a plethora of shocking twists and turns. For a deeper dive into the intricacies of the manga, be sure to explore our articles on the latest chapters and the significance of the Black Flash technique.