Kamala Harris Breaks Tradition, Skips Al Smith Dinner for Campaigning

In a break from a long-standing tradition, Vice President Kamala Harris has announced her decision to skip the annual Al Smith Dinner, scheduled for October 17th. Instead of attending the prestigious event, which benefits Catholic Charities, Harris will focus her efforts on campaigning in key battleground states leading up to Election Day. This strategic choice reflects the critical importance of these states in determining the outcome of the upcoming election.

Harris’ decision marks a significant departure from the norm, as the Al Smith Dinner has become a customary event for presidential candidates. In fact, she will be only the second presidential candidate to skip the dinner since Walter Mondale in 1984.

Meanwhile, former President and Republican candidate Donald Trump has confirmed his attendance at the Al Smith Dinner, signaling his continued commitment to engaging in traditional aspects of the campaign cycle. The dinner, known for its humor and lightheartedness, offers a unique platform for candidates to interact with the public in a less formal setting.

Harris’ decision to prioritize campaigning over the Al Smith Dinner underscores the highly competitive nature of the upcoming election. The focus on key battleground states reflects the intense battle for electoral votes that will ultimately decide the outcome of the presidential race.

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