Kamala Harris’s Past ‘Third Strike’ Policy: A Look at Her ‘Tough on Crime’ Legacy

Vice President Kamala Harris’s presidential campaign has leaned heavily on her reputation as a tough-on-crime prosecutor, showcasing her years of experience in law enforcement in California. However, a previously unearthed policy proposal from her time as San Francisco’s District Attorney paints a different picture, one that raises questions about the consistency of her tough-on-crime stance.

In 2005, Harris, then San Francisco’s District Attorney, proposed a controversial drug enforcement policy dubbed ‘Operation Safe Streets.’ This plan would have allowed drug dealers to be detained and released twice before being charged on their third arrest. The goal, according to Harris, was to focus resources on repeat offenders. However, the San Francisco Police Department vehemently opposed the proposal, arguing that it would effectively create a ‘catch and release’ system, allowing criminals to re-offend immediately after being detained.

The police department’s concerns were outlined in a letter from then-Chief Heather Fong to Harris, obtained by Fox Digital. Fong argued that the plan would send the wrong message to the community, particularly to children who regularly witness drug dealing activity. She also pointed out the double standard the proposal would create, allowing adults to be released while juveniles would be booked.

The Police Department’s stance was echoed by Kevin Cashman, who served as Deputy Chief at the time. Cashman described the officers’ shock at the proposal, emphasizing that it would be detrimental to their mission of keeping San Francisco safe. The proposal ultimately failed to go into effect.

This revelation has sparked debate, particularly as Harris’s campaign has actively promoted her tough-on-crime record. Critics argue that this policy proposal contradicts the narrative of her campaign, painting a picture of a prosecutor more willing to engage in leniency than her current campaign messaging suggests.

This controversy highlights the evolving narrative surrounding Harris’s past and its implications for her presidential campaign. Her record as a prosecutor, particularly her handling of criminal justice issues, has become a key point of contention in the 2024 election, forcing her to navigate a delicate balance between her past actions and her current political messaging.

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