Karnataka Introduces Cess on Entertainment Platforms to Support Cultural Activists

Karnataka has taken a significant step towards supporting its entertainment industry by passing the Karnataka Cine and Cultural Activists Welfare Bill on July 26, 2024. This bill introduces a novel approach to bolstering the welfare of those working in the cultural sector by imposing a cess on various entertainment platforms operating within the state.

The legislation specifically targets TV channels, OTT platforms, and multiplexes, levying a cess of up to 2% on their revenues generated from Karnataka. This cess will be applied to cinema ticket sales, subscription fees for OTT platforms, and revenue generated by TV channels within the state. The bill mandates that these companies remit the collected cess by the 9th of every month.

The primary objective of this initiative is to provide financial assistance to cine and cultural activists, thereby improving the well-being of individuals working in Karnataka’s vibrant cultural industries. By generating funds through this cess, the state aims to create a more supportive environment for those who contribute significantly to the entertainment and cultural landscape of Karnataka.

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