Kate Middleton Sends Well Wishes to Retiring Tennis Champion Andy Murray

Despite being unable to attend Wimbledon this year due to her cancer treatment, Kate Middleton made sure to send a heartfelt congratulations to retiring champion Andy Murray. “An incredible #Wimbledon career comes to an end. You should be so very proud @andy_murray. On behalf of all of us, thank you! C,” she wrote on Twitter. This marks the end of Murray’s impressive tennis career, and Middleton isn’t the only one acknowledging his accomplishments.

Queen of tennis Serena Williams recorded a video message for Murray, filled with humor and admiration. Joking that he was the only one who got as “angry” as she did on the court, she acknowledged their shared “attitudes.” Williams also praised Murray for his consistent advocacy for women throughout his career. Even if you’re not a tennis enthusiast, it’s worth watching the video where a reporter praises Murray for winning his second Olympic gold in Rio in 2016, proclaiming him the “first person” to ever accomplish such a feat. Murray, ever humble, quickly corrects the reporter, stating that both Venus and Serena Williams achieved this before him. It’s a priceless moment showcasing Murray’s character.

Princess Catherine, understandably, has kept her public appearances to a minimum while receiving medical treatment. However, her latest update was a positive one. “I am making good progress, but as anyone going through chemotherapy will know, there are good days and bad days. On those bad days you feel weak, tired and you have to give in to your body resting. But on the good days, when you feel stronger, you want to make the most of feeling well,” she wrote on Instagram.

While Kate Middleton was unable to attend Wimbledon this year, the event still attracted a plethora of celebrities. David Beckham, Dave Grohl, and Dustin Hoffman were among the famous faces in the crowd, ensuring Murray would be in good company should he decide to become a spectator.

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