Katie Price Draws Ire for Video of New Sphynx Cat Battling Dog, Despite PETA’s Offer and Animal Welfare Concerns

Katie Price, the former glamour model, has sparked outrage among fans and animal rights activists after posting a video on Instagram featuring her new £1,200 Sphynx cat, Frog, engaged in a physical altercation with a dark brown dog on her sofa. Price captioned the footage with the comment, “Love how these too play [SIC].” This incident has drawn widespread criticism due to Price’s checkered history with pet ownership. Concerns have been raised after the untimely demise of at least seven animals under her care, many of which were victims of road traffic accidents. In recent years, Price has lost several dogs to such incidents, including Blade, Sharon, Queenie, and Sparkle. Additionally, her French Bulldog, Rolo, tragically passed away after being crushed under a chair, and she gave away an Alsatian named Bear due to its aggressive behavior towards other animals. To address these concerns, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) offered Price £5,000 in exchange for signing a legally binding agreement to refrain from owning any more animals. However, she has not accepted this offer, claiming that she has attempted to communicate with PETA on multiple occasions. Consequently, a petition has been launched on Change.org, garnering over 36,000 signatures to date, urging PETA and the RSPCA to intervene and prevent Price from acquiring any further pets. The petition emphasizes the need to safeguard the welfare of animals in her care and calls for her to be banned from pet ownership.

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