Kay Properties & Investments Launches New 1031 DST Digest Magazine for Investors

Kay Properties & Investments, a national leader in Delaware Statutory Trust (DST) equity placements and 1031 exchange investor education, has proudly announced the publication of its exclusive ‘1031 DST Digest’ magazine. This specialized publication is designed to offer in-depth education on 1031 Exchange and DST investment strategies, addressing current investment themes and answering some of the most frequently asked questions from investors.

According to Dwight Kay, Founder/CEO of Kay Properties and editor of the magazine, the ‘1031 DST Digest’ provides investors with valuable educational resources to help them navigate the DST 1031 Exchange marketplace. It offers an in-depth review of both the benefits and risks of Delaware Statutory Trust investments.

Kay Properties has a strong reputation for providing extensive educational resources to investors. Many believe that no other firm in the country does more to educate 1031 exchange investors on DST investments. Kay’s comprehensive platform of educational options puts the company in the spotlight as the preeminent authority and expert in DST 1031 exchanges and investment strategies.

“We knew our investor community would embrace a publication focused solely on detailed and informative Delaware Statutory Trust articles directly written for 1031 exchange investors,” said Kay. “This assumption was correct as we have already had more than 1,200 investors request a copy of the Kay Properties ‘1031 DST Digest’ magazine.”

The new magazine features articles covering a wide range of topics relevant to DST investors, including:


Why the 721 Exchange Could be a Good Exit Strategy for 1031 Exchange Investors:

The article explores the benefits and potential challenges of using a 721 exchange to exit a 1031 exchange investment.

What is Anchor and Buoy 1031 Exchange DST Investing?:

This article provides a comprehensive explanation of anchor and buoy DST investing, a popular strategy for managing risk and maximizing returns.

Case Study of How Kay Properties helped one investor close on 15 DSTs in 30 days:

This case study demonstrates Kay Properties’ expertise and the efficiency of their platform for investors looking to diversify their portfolios.

Why Investors Love Our Online Marketplace for 1031 Exchange and DST Opportunities:

The article highlights the benefits of using Kay Properties’ online marketplace for finding and accessing DST investment opportunities.

A Comprehensive Guide to Debt-Free DSTs:

This article provides valuable information for investors interested in debt-free DSTs, outlining their advantages and potential drawbacks.

Why Now Might be a Good Time to Sell Your Investment Real Estate:

The article explores current market conditions and provides guidance on determining the right time to sell investment real estate.

Magazine Added to the Kay Robust Suite of Delaware Statutory Trust Educational Assets

The ‘1031 DST Digest’ magazine joins a comprehensive suite of educational resources offered by Kay Properties & Investments, including:


Weekly Webinars:

Kay Properties hosts regular educational webinars featuring founder and CEO, Dwight Kay and the company’s team of DST experts. The webinars provide investors with insights into the 1031 exchange process and the intricacies of Delaware Statutory Trust properties.

DST 1031 Conference Calls:

Every Friday at 11 a.m. PST/ 2 p.m. EST, Kay Properties hosts an interactive live conference call where a DST 1031 exchange expert discusses a variety of pertinent topics related to DST 1031 properties.

1031 Exchange Delaware Statutory Trust Educational Dinner Events:

Each month, Kay Properties & Investments holds dinner events throughout the country where accredited 1031 exchange investors are invited to learn more about the Delaware Statutory Trust investment strategy and the www.kpi1031.com marketplace. These invitation-only events provide investors with the opportunity to connect with some of the most knowledgeable DST 1031 exchange experts.

Expanding Library of Podcast Episodes:

Kay Properties has created a growing library of informative podcast episodes that can be streamed directly from any computer or smartphone. These podcasts allow investors to access in-depth conversations about the many recurring themes and nuances of the DST investment process.

Interested in learning more about Delaware Statutory Trusts?

Visit https://www.kpi1031.com/dst-1031-essentials-podcasts/ to listen to the very latest podcast episodes on Delaware Statutory Trust investing.

The Kay Properties Blog Page

The Kay Properties blog provides a comprehensive resource for learning more about DST trends, recent DST 1031 transactions, and insights from DST 1031 exchange experts. Visit www.kpi1031.com/blog to stay informed about the latest developments in the 1031 exchange, Delaware Statutory Trust, and 721 exchange investment world.

“There is no question, the new Kay Properties ‘1031 DST Digest’ will emerge as an invaluable resource for investors eager to deepen their understanding of the Delaware Statutory Trust investment vehicle, 1031 exchange strategies as well as 721 exchange UPREIT investment options,” said Kay. “By offering comprehensive insights, expert advice, and real-world examples, the magazine caters to both novice and seasoned investors alike. The magazine was designed to be engaging and accessible so that readers can grasp complex concepts with ease, making the pursuit of knowledge both enjoyable and rewarding. Whether you’re looking to step away from active property management or simply interested in learning more about 1031 and 721 exchange strategies, this publication stands out as an essential guide in the dynamic world of Delaware Statutory Trusts.”

Investors are encouraged to sign up for a free subscription to the ‘1031 DST Digest’ by visiting https://www.1031dstdigest.com.

About Kay Properties and www.kpi1031.com:

Kay Properties helps investors choose 1031 exchange investments that enable them to focus on what they truly love in life, whether that be their children, grandchildren, other businesses, travel, and hobbies. The company has helped 1031 exchange investors for nearly two decades, facilitating over 9,100 1031 exchange investments. Visit www.kpi1031.com for access to their team’s experience, educational library, and their full 1031 exchange investment menu.


Vincent Aviani

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