Keep Bananas Fresh Longer: Simple Tricks to Avoid Spoilage

Bananas are a tasty kitchen staple, often enjoyed as a quick snack or part of breakfast. However, they quickly turn brown and mushy, especially in warmer temperatures. In summer, bananas can spoil rapidly due to exposure to sunlight and heat, making it crucial to store them in a cool, dark place.

Many people mistakenly store bananas in the fruit bowl alongside other produce, which is the worst possible location. Bananas, along with other fruits, release ethylene gas, a natural growth hormone that contributes to their sweetness but also causes them to ripen. Storing bananas next to apples, pears, and avocados can lead to an excessive amount of ethylene gas, causing all the fruit to rot prematurely.

Alexis, a food storage expert from Lunchbox, recommends a simple yet effective method to keep bananas fresh for longer: covering the stem. The stem is the source of ethylene gas, and covering it limits its production and prevents it from escaping, slowing down the ripening process.

To prevent bananas from turning brown and spoiling, wrap the stem with cling film, cloth, or aluminum foil. This creates a barrier that inhibits the release of ethylene gas, extending the freshness of the bananas by five to seven days. It’s also beneficial to keep the bananas in a bunch as this slows down ripening compared to separating them. If any bananas are bruised or browning faster than the rest, remove them from the bunch to prevent them from accelerating the ripening process of the other fruit.

Once bananas have ripened, store them in the fridge to maintain their freshness for a longer period. It’s a common misconception that refrigeration causes the banana peel to turn black, but this is harmless and doesn’t affect the taste of the fruit. To prevent the peel from turning black, store the bananas in a container.

Although refrigeration can slow down ripening, it will not allow bananas to fully ripen, so it’s best to store only browning or older bananas in the fridge. If you want to avoid the black peel, consider cutting ripe bananas into small pieces and storing them in an airtight jar or container.

Remember, green or yellow bananas should be stored at room temperature away from heat, sunlight, and other fruit. Store browning bananas in the fridge or freezer to slow down ripening and browning. By following these simple tips, you can enjoy fresh, delicious bananas for longer.

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