Keep Your Bananas Fresh for Two Weeks Longer: The Best Storage Hack

Bananas are a beloved kitchen staple, offering a convenient snack or quick breakfast. But the frustration of seeing them turn black and mushy before their expiration date is a common experience. While storing bananas in a fruit bowl might seem like the obvious choice, it’s actually the worst place for them.

The key to keeping bananas fresh for weeks longer lies in understanding the science behind their ripening process. Most fruits produce ethylene gas, a plant growth hormone that accelerates ripening. When too many fruits are stored together, the concentration of this gas increases, leading to rapid spoilage. Bananas are particularly high ethylene producers, making them prone to spoiling quickly, especially when stored with other ethylene-sensitive fruits like apples, avocados, melons, peaches, and plums.

Chef and founder of Impressions At Home, Rachel Sherwood, reveals the secret to banana longevity: refrigeration. The cold temperatures slow down the production of ethylene gas, preserving the freshness and firmness of the fruit.

“The more yellow you see, the riper the banana is. Once bananas are ripe, place them in the produce drawer of your refrigerator,” advises Rachel. “Refrigeration slows the ripening process considerably but does not stop it. The peel will continue to turn brown, but the fruit will stay fresh and firm for one to two weeks.”

It’s a common misconception that refrigeration turns banana peels black. While the color of the peel may change, the fruit inside remains yellow and soft, making it perfectly enjoyable for extended periods.

However, it’s important to note that only yellow bananas should be stored in the fridge. Green bananas, which are not yet ripe, won’t ripen properly at cold temperatures and may lose their flavor. To ripen green bananas, keep them at room temperature on the counter.

“To speed the process, place them in a brown paper bag and add an apple or tomato to the bag for even faster ripening,” suggests Rachel.

If you have a banana on your countertop that’s just beginning to turn brown, it can still be placed in the fridge. Alternatively, you can freeze it or use it in smoothies. Completely brown bananas should not be refrigerated, as this will make the peel mushy and unappetizing.

“If the banana has more brown or black than yellow on the peel, then it is overripe and can still be perfectly used in baking applications,” Rachel explains.

The best approach to storing bananas is to keep them at room temperature on the kitchen counter, away from a fruit bowl, when they’re green. Once they turn yellow, transfer them to the fridge to enjoy their freshness for two weeks longer. This simple storage hack will ensure your bananas remain delicious and ready to eat for a longer period.

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