Kennedy Rebuffs Family Endorsements for Biden

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said Sunday that he isn’t bothered by the fact that his family has backed President Biden over him for the November election.

“Some of them don’t like the fact that I’m running,” Kennedy said of his family at a Detroit campaign event Sunday, The Associated Press reported. “I debated them with information and passion and not to hate each other because we disagreed with each other,” he said. “I love my family, either way.”

The Biden campaign has gathered endorsements from nearly the entire Kennedy family and turned their words into an ad campaign against Kennedy, painting him as a threat to Democrats since his efforts could help former President Trump return to the White House.

“I love my family. I feel that they love me,” Kennedy said Sunday. “And I wish the same thing would happen for all of our country, where we disagree with each other without hating on each other.”

Kennedy has gained ballot access in multiple swing states, including Michigan, raising concerns among Democrats that he could act as a spoiler and hand those states to Trump. Kennedy is well behind both Biden and Trump in polling. In three-way polls between the top candidates, Kennedy has about 7 percent support to Biden’s 41 percent and Trump’s 42 percent, according to the Cook Political Report.

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