Kenya Deploys Force to Haiti Despite Legal Challenges

A Kenyan force, destined to lead a UN-backed multinational mission aimed at tackling gang violence in Haiti, departed Nairobi late Monday. The deployment comes despite an ongoing court case challenging the mission. Kenya, having offered to send 1,000 police officers to stabilize Haiti alongside forces from other countries, has encountered persistent legal obstacles. A group of 400 officers, comprised of elite personnel from the Rapid Deployment Unit, General Service Unit, Administration Police, and Kenya Police, left Nairobi at 10:50 pm (1950 GMT) aboard Kenya Airways, en route to Port-au-Prince, the Haitian capital. Interior Minister Kithure Kindiki, in a statement accompanied by images of the officers at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport, expressed his honor at seeing off the first contingent of the National Police Service officers participating in the United Nations Mission to Haiti. This deployment followed a ceremonial farewell by President William Ruto, a strong supporter of the mission, earlier on Monday. While media wasn’t invited to the ceremony where Ruto prayed for the officers and presented them with a Kenyan national flag, footage shared by the presidency captured the event. Ruto, in quotes shared by his office, emphasized the mission’s significance: “This mission is one of the most urgent, important and historic in the history of global solidarity.” He further stated, “Your presence in Haiti will bring hope and relief to communities torn apart by violence and ravaged by disorder,” adding that the remaining force members will join their colleagues “soon”. The mission’s approval by a UN Security Council resolution in October was delayed by a Kenyan court decision in January, which ruled that Ruto’s administration lacked the authority to send officers abroad without a prior bilateral agreement. While the government secured such an agreement with Haiti in March, a fresh lawsuit filed by the opposition party, Thirdway Alliance Kenya, attempted to block the deployment. Ekuru Aukot, the party’s leader, told AFP on Monday that he intended to “seek an injunctive order against the deployment”. He further criticized the deployment, describing President Ruto as “a slave of America” and accusing him of “circumventing” the law by proceeding with the deployment despite the ongoing legal challenge. The United States, having actively sought a leading nation for the mission and providing funding and logistical support, has ruled out sending its own troops. President Joe Biden, in a clear statement, rejected the possibility of US boots on the ground in Haiti, the poorest nation in the Americas, where Washington has a history of intervention. Following the arrival of the Kenyan force, State Department spokesman Matthew Miller expressed optimism, stating: “We hope to see further measurable improvements in security, particularly with respect to access to humanitarian aid and core economic activity.” He further conveyed support for the mission, saying: “We stand with the international community in supporting this historic effort to support the Haitian National Police in their fight for Haiti’s future.” However, the Haiti mission has raised concerns from Human Rights Watch, who have voiced doubts regarding its funding, while watchdogs have consistently accused Kenyan police of excessive force and unlawful killings. A senior police official, in defense of the force’s record, emphasized the elite nature of the team and their extensive training. He told AFP, “They have all undertaken a rigorous training for this exercise on top of their prior training of handling complex situations and are ready for the mission. Please let’s not doubt their capacity.” Other countries expressing their willingness to join the mission include Benin, the Bahamas, Bangladesh, Barbados, and Chad. Haiti has long been plagued by gang violence, but the situation escalated sharply in late February when armed groups launched coordinated attacks in Port-au-Prince, aiming to overthrow then prime minister Ariel Henry. Henry announced his resignation in early March and the transfer of executive power to a transitional council, which subsequently appointed Garry Conille as the country’s interim prime minister on May 29. The violence in Port-au-Prince has significantly impacted food security and humanitarian aid access, with much of the city under the control of gangs accused of various abuses, including murder, rape, looting, and kidnappings.

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