Kerem Shalom Crossing Targeted Again, Israeli Soldier Lightly Injured

Israeli Army Reports Rocket Fire Targeting Kerem Shalom Crossing, Injuring Soldier

The Kerem Shalom crossing, a vital gateway for aid into Gaza, once again came under rocket fire on Wednesday, resulting in minor injuries to an Israeli soldier. According to a military statement, eight rocket launches were detected originating from the Rafah area and targeting the Kerem Shalom region.

Kerem Shalom Crossing Reopens After Hamas Attack

Despite the attack, the Israeli army announced the reopening of the Kerem Shalom crossing on Wednesday morning. The crossing had remained closed for three days following a Hamas rocket attack on Sunday that tragically claimed the lives of four soldiers. Another rocket launch had targeted the crossing on Monday.

Humanitarian Aid Resumes at Kerem Shalom

A joint statement released by the Israeli army and COGAT, the defense ministry body responsible for Palestinian civil affairs, indicated that trucks from Egypt carrying humanitarian supplies, including food, water, shelter equipment, medicine, and medical equipment donated by the international community, had already begun arriving at the crossing.

Rafah Crossing Remains Closed

However, the UN agency for Palestinian refugees, UNRWA, stated that the Rafah crossing remained closed. UNRWA spokeswoman Juliette Touma emphasized the critical importance of the Rafah crossing for UNRWA, the primary aid organization operating in Gaza.

Fuel Shortages and Rationing in Gaza

Touma highlighted that fuel is typically transported into Gaza through the Rafah crossing, not Kerem Shalom. She expressed concerns that without fuel entering Gaza via Rafah, trucks would be unable to retrieve aid from Kerem Shalom. Touma reported that humanitarian supplies had not been available for the past three days and that fuel rationing had begun. Gaza requires approximately 300,000 liters (79,250 gallons) of fuel per day for humanitarian purposes.

International Calls for Crossing Reopening

The United States, Israel’s staunch ally, has joined the chorus of voices calling for the reopening of both crossings.

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