King Charles Worried About Prince Harry’s Finances, While Prince William Remains Unforgiving

According to a new book by Robert Jobson, King Charles III is concerned about Prince Harry’s financial situation. The 75-year-old monarch is worried that Harry might spend through the millions earned from business ventures with companies like Netflix and Spotify, which involve him and his wife, Meghan Markle.

Jobson, in his biography of Kate Middleton, “Catherine: The Princess of Wales”, quotes a source at Buckingham Palace saying, “What worries His Majesty and his top team is what is going to happen when all the money runs out.” The author further suggests that Harry and Meghan are “trying to find an income stream… that doesn’t involve dishing dirt on the Royal Family” because “the public have wearied of their constant complaints.”

The book also highlights a perceived gap in star power and manpower within the Royal Family, stemming from Harry and Meghan’s decision to step down from their roles. Despite this, Prince William reportedly remains firm in his decision not to reconcile with his brother, as stated by Jobson.

While King Charles is said to be willing to keep the door open for Harry, a meaningful reconciliation appears unlikely. The last time the two saw each other was during a brief meeting in February when Harry visited the UK after learning about his father’s cancer diagnosis.

In a surprising turn of events, Prince Andrew was seen alongside the Royal Family at their Christmas service in late 2022. He later joined his ex-wife in leading Royal mourners at King Constantine of Greece’s memorial service in February 2023. This led to speculation about the reasons behind the Duke of York’s return to public events after being previously excluded.

A senior Royal figure suggested that King Charles might be sending a message to his elder son, William, about forgiveness and second chances. “Perhaps the King is subliminally trying to show William that forgiving one’s brother and giving him a second chance is a strength, not a weakness. Prince William disagrees – and as for his own brother, as far as he is concerned there is no way back,” The Daily Mail quoted a source as saying.

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